13003 Eckel Junction, Suite 105 Perrysburg, Ohio 43551

(419) 874-0405

The importance of Regular Chiropractic Visits

Fort Meigs Family Chiropractic practice offers programs of pain reduction services, and a program to keep you on track with good health.

The frequency of your visits to Fort Meigs Family Chiropractic depends on the severity of your back or neck pain. Weekly visits, or multiple visits per week, may be needed to help you begin to feel better. Chronic pain can be improved by regular chiropractic visits and an evaluation of activities, posture, and diet. Improvement can be measured by the professional chiropractor, and each visit should begin with an analysis of pain reduction, range of motion improvements, and general well-being.

Fort Meigs Family Chiropractic can also help design a program of stretches that a patient can use at home to help maintain improvement between visits. Continued visits to your chiropractor will assure correct movements and stretches, and can then be tailored to the feedback from the patient. If tools like pillows or orthotic appliances are prescribed, then follow-up appointments are required to evaluate the outcome of using these medical devices and to plan a course of treatment moving forward. As your body is ever changing, so too is the plan of correction to help improve and maintain your pain relief.

The goal at Fort Meigs Family Chiropractic is to reduce pain and increase flexibility, and maintain good health. Strengthening the body with regular chiropractic apointments, proper diet and the correct massage procedures can reduce future injuries and keep the spine in alignment.

Follow-up visits to Fort Meigs Family Chiropractic can keep sports injuries at bay, and promote a healthy future for individuals and families. Each professional on our staff will consult and evaluate cases on a one-by-one basis to prescribe the correct schedule of visits for the proper outcome. You are a part of your own cure at Fort Meigs Family Chiropractic.